Land Protection Grant Program In Maine
GrantID: 58056
Grant Funding Amount Low: $50,000
Deadline: Ongoing
Grant Amount High: $50,000
Grants are issued annually. Please check providers site for more details. Provides grants for land acquisition or land conservation easement projects that build strong connections between people in territory and its land and water. Priority will be given to projects that will benefit most or will be nearest completion with a grant from this program. This includes if the grant will pay a significant portion of the purchase price, help secure other funds such as through matching grants, complete a fundraising campaign. Additional priority will be given to projects that benefit communities and the economy, including but not limited to protecting and providing access to cultural resources and other resources valued by community members, supporting agriculture, fisheries, and working forests, creating or increasing outdoor recreation opportunities, address climate change by helping communities prepare for and respond to climate change...
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